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Posts Tagged ‘sale’

Sale Sale Sale Sale (again!)

Yeah, I know. But I sell sporadically enough that any sale is worth a giant announcement, damnit.  Because it’s been almost 6 months since my last sale to a magazine, so I was starting to tell myself it had all been a fluke etc…

Anyway, I sold a flash fiction story titled “Love at the Corner of Time and Space” to Daily Science Fiction.  Which marks my fourth short story sale to a magazine and my second pro-rate sale. W00t!

On another note, I’ve written 3 pieces of flash fiction in my adult life, and sold 2 out of the 3.  Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something…

Sale Sale Sale Sale

I sold another story.  To a pro-paying magazine.  Details to follow once contracts are all worked out etc…  But man, it’s nice to have a sale.

Follow Heinlein’s Rules for Writers. It pays off.  Seriously.  I almost trunked this story due to thinking that the content might make it too hard to sell.  Ha! I was so wrong.  Good thing I ignored that stupid inner demon voice, eh?

So yeah, I have to go dance on a couple more rooftops. Then, I really should finish this novel.