Well, today (the 10th) has passed me by. And no, the novel is not done. It’s close, but not quite there. Oops.
However, I think I know what factors have gone into my total fail to finish on time (mind you, I have some leeway, I set my deadline a little ahead of the actual doomsday because I always try to factor in life things).
First and foremost, a lack of focus. I’ve actually written quite a few words in the last month (need to update my progress meters, I’ll get around to it), but on multiple projects instead of just focusing down one project at a time. I switched which novel I wanted to do and lost about a week of productivity before I realized that I didn’t have the time I needed to write that novel. I could really use that week back (if I’d stayed with the current novel, I’d be done!). So I’ve learned my lesson there about multiple projects.
Second, writing in a wholly new genre involves a learning curve and the work definitely goes more slowly. I’ve been working very hard on getting a thriller pace and character milieu and all the other things that come with writing a book like this. It’s been slower going and a lot of second-guessing and pep talks to myself these last few months. Didn’t plan on that. But hey, now I know.
Third, I’m sick. First was migraines, then they left a nasty cold in their wake. It sucks. Writing while my head is a fog from drugs or stuffiness or fever is lame. I’m pushing through because I have to, but it ain’t fun and I’m making mistakes in the manuscript. Caught one today where I’d changed a character’s name mid-book. Yay for find/replace.
So yeah, /end whine. I will finish this novel sometime this week. And then my Q4 entry for WotF which I haven’t even really thought much about. Then… well, I’ll tackle that once I hit Sept 30th. Until then, the novel and my Q4 entry are my focus. That’s what is up with me. Getting toward the wire, time to work.
(In happy news, I got the proof for my Contrary Magazine story, and that was pretty cool. It’ll be up soon!)