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Posts Tagged ‘signings’

Worldcon/Sasquan 2015 Schedule

Hey peeps. You can find me at Worldcon in Spokane this year at the following panels.  I’ll also be signing at various times at the Doomed Muse Press booth in the Dealer’s Room (it’ll be hard to miss I think, we have great banners this year), and I might run a pick-me-up session or two of Pathfinder/D20/whatever if I get enough interest.

What Makes an Effective Cover Image?

Thursday 14:00 – 14:45, 302AB (CC)

Of course you can judge a book by its cover. That’s why we have cover artists! They aim to catch our eye amidst the cacophony of other titles on the bookrack, and they can make us step aside and shudder when done oh-so-poorly! But how do they attract our attention and convey the message when the title is ambiguous? When the author is an unknown? When it is a well-known series with recognizable characters? Learn some of the issues and challenges that face our interdisciplinary panelists as they beguile us into opening the book and reading that first sentence…

Mark J. Ferrari (M), Annie Bellet, Stephen Segal, Karen Haber, Lee Moyer

We Won: How SF, Fantasy and Comics Have Taken Over TV

Thursday 17:00 – 17:45, 300C (CC)

Not very long ago it was hard to find any SF on TV, let alone good SF. But today, every night has multiple shows. Some of the most talked-about shows on TV — Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead — are genre shows, Doctor Who is a worldwide phenomenon, and even shows that started as thriller shows like Person of Interest are clearly SF. Agents of Shield, Grimm, The Flash, Gotham, Orphan Black … the list goes on. And what about the shows that start of promising and collapsed quickly (Twelve Monkeys)? Is the zombie-takeover of TV starting to peter out?

Darlene Marshall (M), David Peterson, Andrea G. Stewart , Annie Bellet


Kaffee Klatche – Annie Bellet

Friday 14:00 – 14:45, 202A-KK2 (CC)

Join a panelist and up to 9 other fans for a small discussion. Coffee and snacks available for sale on the
2nd floor.

Requires advance sign-up  (*my note- there might be swag!)

Game Mastering 101

Friday 17:00 – 17:45, 303A (CC)

What are the basic tools and approaches for running a game of D&D, or other role-playing game? What are the fun-ruining pitfalls to avoid? And how can practice as a gamemaster help inform writing, reading or other elements of fandom?

Annie Bellet , Brian Campbell , John Welker

Self-publishing — How to Market Your Work

Saturday 16:00 – 16:45, 303A (CC)

Your manuscript is done, you’ve found your printer, uploaded your files, and your book is done. Now how the heck do get people to buy it? Successful self-published authors share their methods.

Sarina Dorie, Doug Farren, Kameron Hurley, Annie Bellet