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Posts Tagged ‘writing update’

Erractic, Why Yes!

For all that I update this erratically, I seem to be getting about 6 views a day.  Crazy!  I suppose I should write more here or something.

I was workshopped at Norwescon, which was immensely helpful.  I spent over 5 hours revising Blade Bearer (now called The Spacer’s Blade thanks to comments about making the name less generic) and sent it off to be… rejected.  Oh well.  It was a very nice rejection, asking that I send more things but ultimately the story wasn’t a fit for them.  Time to get more ink for the printer so I can send it out to somewhere else.

My rejection count is up high enough now that I’ve had to make a speadsheet instead of just relying on notepad.  I’m at 9 rejections, four stories out for submission, and one story ready to be sent out, and two stories in various stages of revisions that will hopefully be ready for their own rejections in a week or so.

491 rejections to go.