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Author Archive

Summer Update

Hey, things have been quiet around here.  I’ve been doing a bunch of work for some anthologies that will be out next year and later this year.  I’m wrapping that stuff up and expect to have new Gryphonpike novellas out in the next month.

Meanwhile, two new audio books came out today.  Narrated by Christine Padovan (who has done all the GPC novellas so far and does a lovely job), Dead of Knight and The Barrows (the first GPC omnibus collecting the first four novellas) are now available.

New Audiobooks!

Two new audiobooks are out, both of them in the Remy Pigeon series and narrated by the awesome Dan Boice.  Below are cover pictures for the audio versions. Click on the covers to see the books at

In other news, I’m hard at work on more Gryphonpike Chronicles novellas, with the next Pyrrh novel also in the works.

2013 Award Post

So, here’s my obligatory award post.  If you are eligible to vote in the Nebulas or Hugos, please consider my work.  Some is free to read online, links included below.

Short Stories published in 2012:

Innocence, Rearranged- Daily Science Fiction

No Gift of Words- Daily Science Fiction

Ghosts in the Mist- Mirror Shards: Volume 2

Novelettes published in 2012:

On Higher Ground- GigaNotoSaurus

Novellas published in 2012:

Avarice: Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division Book One – Doomed Muse Press

(Avarice misses the SFWA cut-off for novel by a few hundred words, so while I consider it a novel for all intents and purposes, for award purposes, it is technically in the novella category)

Thank you. There are many awesome stories and books out there by amazing writers. The most important thing is that you vote!

Update and Sites Down

As some people have pointed out to me, both my website ( and the Doomed Muse Press site ( are down.  I’m having a minor hosting issue and it will be fixed within the next couple weeks.  Thanks for your notifications and patience!

In other news, Avarice is published!  Here’s the cover and blurb again along with links to find it in ebook form (paperbacks and audio versions are forthcoming):

In the Free City of Pyrrh, murders and other serious crimes are investigated by the Cordonates of the Considerable Crimes Division.

Struggling with his grief over losing his last partner, the last thing Cordonate Parshan Koury wants is someone else. Zhivana Nedrogovna, his new partner, is fresh out of the City Watch and not even human, and unsure she wants to work with the broody, angry Par.

As Parshan and Zhivana rush to solve a case of mugging gone wrong that soon proves far more complex, they must learn to trust each other or this first case together might be their last.


Barnes and Noble:


Nano Crazy 2012

So, I finished Avarice: Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division Book 1 and it is currently going through edits.  It’ll be up sometime in early November I think.

The good news is that I’m writing again.  I still feel weird and a little rusty after the accidental break I took, but so far my first readers are saying Avarice is really good, so at least my feelings aren’t reflecting on the writing quality too much.

So I’m getting ready for NaNoWriMo.  I have a couple of novellas to finish up this week so I can get the first Gryphonpike Chronicles omnibus out, but then I’m going to switch to writing a few short novels (pulp length- 35k-45k) for NaNoWriMo and beyond.

And because I love covers and they help me focus on what I’m doing, here’s a preview of what I’ll be working on:

The Dying of the Light: military fantasy about a non-combatant who carries the banner of the king (art by Katerina Romanova).

A Prince Called Courage: fairytale fantasy/romance about a cursed prince, a quest, and making the right decisions (art by Claudia McKinney).

Mayhem: fantasy about a girl living on an archipelago who accidentally releases an evil power into the world and must stop it (art by Tiziano_Baracchi).

So that’s what I’ll be working on during November (along with maybe a couple more, but I don’t have covers for those yet and I might not get to them until December anyway).  It works out to about 4,000 words a day or about 3-4 hours of work daily to finish these.  As usual for my Nano Crazy, I don’t expect I’ll get everything done, but the nice thing about aiming for lots is that even getting half or more done means getting a lot finished.  Anything I get finished will be edited and available to read by the end of the year, so if any of these look cool, make a note. 🙂

Orycon 2012 Panel Schedule

I have my probably final but no promises panel schedule for Orycon 2012.


Ross Island          Fri Nov 2 2:00pm-3:00pm
What is theme?  How do you develop theme in your writing, or should you
even try?  For the sake of future graduate students studying your
brilliant prose, learn about this often-neglected aspect of
(*)Richard A. Lovett, Annie Bellet, Aimee C. Amodio, Wendy N.

Writing with all your senses
Lincoln              Fri Nov 2 4:00pm-5:00pm
Writers are always reminded to write with all their senses.  But how far
should they go?  And what about altered senses?  What about characters
that are blind, or in constant pain, or have numbed senses, deafness, or
other disabilities?  Are constant reminders necessary?  What writers can
take for granted, and what they should use to enrich their writing.
(*)Annie Bellet, K.C. Ball, Adrian Phoenix

I Forgot to Get A Real Job
Roosevelt            Sat Nov 3 12:00pm-1:00pm
How to stay alive while waiting to be published
Edward Morris, (*)Nisi Shawl, Annie Bellet, Bill Johnson

How a writer’s workshop affected my life
Hamilton             Sat Nov 3 5:00pm-6:00pm
The pros and cons of attending writer’s workshops. Can attendees be
productive and have fun at the same time or it is all work and no play? Do
online workshops count?  What about workshops that break writers?
Annie Bellet, John C. Bunnell, Grá Linnaea, Edward Muller, Edd Vick

Geeks v nerds v freaks
Madison              Sun Nov 4 12:00pm-1:00pm
To which do you aspire?  What are the differences and similarities, and to
what proportion are they found?  What function (or anti-function?) do we,
er, they, serve?
Annie Bellet, Joyce Reynolds-Ward, (*)Janet Freeman, Anthony Pryor


As I said before, I’m super busy catching up on all the work that fell by the wayside this last six months.

But here’s a little preview of what to expect from me (and Doomed Muse Press):

First, the Pyrrh Series.  Avarice, the first novel, will be out in October with the next three books following in 2013.  The series is basically “Law & Order” with swordfights.  Who wouldn’t love that? And check out the awesome cover by Nathie.


Then, in November, the first book of the Lorian Archive Trilogy will be out.  You can read the first 3rd of the novel for free (see the sidebar under Casimir Hypogean) or the finished book will be available in November.  The rest of the series will come in 2013.  The series has lovely covers done by the awesome Tom Edwards:

What am I Doing?

I’ve been posting very sporadically, I know. And that will probably continue. I have too many things to write now that I’m feeling better and writing again.

I’m going to add a new feature to the blog though, probably as a new page in the side bar, which will list out what I have planned.  I’ll cross things off the list as I finish them (probably with a strike-through).  These are novels, stories, or novellas that I have outlines and/or cover art for already.

Right now the list looks like this:

Under Fountain (GPC #4)

Dead of Knight (GPC #5)

A Cold and Silent Dawn (GPC #6)

The Gryphonpike Companions (GPC #7)

A Debt of Sorcery (GPC #8)

Shelter from the Storm (GPC #9)

To Steal the Crown (GPC #10)

Casimir Hypogean (Lorian Archives #1)

Beyond Casimir (Lorian Archives #2)

Casimir Rising (Lorian Archives #3)

The Raven King (Chwedl Duology Book 2)

Avarice (Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division #1)

Wrath (Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division #2)

Hunger (Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division #3)

Vainglory (Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division #4)

Fresh Blood (The Hidden War #1)

Pure Blood (The Hidden War #2)

Ancient Blood (The Hidden War #3)

Heart’s Blood (The Hidden War #4)

The City is Still Hungry (Remy Pigeon #1)

Slow Beat Down (Remy Pigeon #2)

Unnamed Steampunk/Circus novella (have cover art)

12-17 Fantasy/SF stories (have cover art for awesome collection and 3 stories already for it)

That’s the “hopefully in the next year and a half or so” list of things to write.  See why I’m busy?  and that’s just under this pen name. I have other projects under three other names on my list here at home.

Meanwhile, I’ll be at Worldcon this weekend. I’m easy to spot, what with the blue/purple mohawk and all, so if you are there, come say hi or track me down after one of my panels.

Now, back to finishing things. ALL the things.

New Collection Released

I’ve released a new short story collection.  It’s full of some of my favorite stories and has beautiful cover art done by Tom Edwards.

Description: In this large collection, author Annie Bellet demonstrates her gift for the short form, offering readers twenty short stories, novelettes, and novellas that are compelling, beautifully imagined, and entertaining.

Till Human Voices Wake Us contains 20 stories ranging from hard science fiction to space opera, sword and sorcery to magical realism, some in print for the first time.

Included in this collection are:
Falls the Shadow on Broken Stone
Till Human Voices Wake Us
No Gift of Words
Pele’s Beekeeper
No Spaceships Go
All-Purpose Luck
Roping the Mother
Winter’s Bite
Broken Moon
All is Violent, All is Bright
The Scent of Sunlight
Light of the Earth As Seen from Tartarus
Nevermind the Bollocks
Delivering Yaehala
Of Bone and Steel and Other Soft Materials
La Última Esperanza
A Hunter’s Memory of Winter
On Higher Ground

Find it on Amazon for Kindle, or on B&N for Nook, or on Smashwords for every format.

Worldcon Panel Schedule

To the best of my knowledge, this is my panel schedule:

Sat Sep 1 1:30:pm Sat Sep 1 3:00:pm Effective Habits For Aspiring Authors
Columbus CD A nuts-and-bolts panel discussing work habits for the aspiring professional author. How to organize, prioritize, set goals, avoid distractions, and make valuable networking connections in the industry. The panel will also discuss mistakes to avoid.
Annie Bellet Brad Aiken Brad R. Torgersen David McDonald Lillian Cauldwell


Sat Sep 1 4:30:pm Sat Sep 1 6:00:pm Creating Formidable Women Protagonists
Buckingham How do you portray a formidable women in fiction. How do you make sure she’s still a woman and not just a guy with different plumbing?
Annie Bellet Brenda Cooper Joan Slonczewski Karen Haber Tina Jens