I’ve been pretty busy lately finishing up some projects and doing some stuff for projects I can’t talk about yet, but I figured I’d update and let people see a preview of what is coming in the next three months from myself and Doomed Muse Press.
First up, I’m just finishing the first full-length Gryphonpike Chronicles novel. It’s got rogues, dragons, ship battles, and general adventuring awesomeness. Here’s the cover:
After that I’m turning my focus to short fiction and novellas for a couple months since I have three short story collections almost ready to go.
The first is a general science fiction and fantasy collection in the same vein as my previous collection “Till Human Voices Wake Us”. It will have about 10 short stories and novelettes as well as one or two novellas. Here’s the cover for it:
The second collection will be of my urban fantasy short fiction, including a brand new Remy Pigeon story as well as a brand new novella. Here is the cover for that:
And finally the third collection will be an adventure fantasy collection featuring six short stories, two novelettes, and a brand new novella (or maybe two if I get carried away, I have two I really want to write and include so it will depend on time). Here is the cover for the adventure fantasy collection:
So expect those out before Christmas! I’ll post when they are available with full descriptions and links where you can find them. Now, back to the word mines.