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Archive for the ‘Fiction’ Category

Upcoming in 2013

I’ve been pretty busy lately finishing up some projects and doing some stuff for projects I can’t talk about yet, but I figured I’d update and let people see a preview of what is coming in the next three months from myself and Doomed Muse Press.

First up, I’m just finishing the first full-length Gryphonpike Chronicles novel. It’s got rogues, dragons, ship battles, and general adventuring awesomeness. Here’s the cover:

After that I’m turning my focus to short fiction and novellas for a couple months since I have three short story collections almost ready to go.

The first is a general science fiction and fantasy collection in the same vein as my previous collection “Till Human Voices Wake Us”.  It will have about 10 short stories and novelettes as well as one or two novellas.  Here’s the cover for it:

The second collection will be of my urban fantasy short fiction, including a brand new Remy Pigeon story as well as a brand new novella.  Here is the cover for that:

And finally the third collection will be an adventure fantasy collection featuring six short stories, two novelettes, and a brand new novella (or maybe two if I get carried away, I have two I really want to write and include so it will depend on time).  Here is the cover for the adventure fantasy collection:


So expect those out before Christmas! I’ll post when they are available with full descriptions and links where you can find them. Now, back to the word mines.

Free Audiobooks

I have five free audio books for The Barrows to give away.  If you are willing to leave a candid review and would like a free copy from Audible, email me at anniembellet AT gmail DOT com.

There should be new Gryphonpike out next week, as well, so look for it after the holiday.

New Audiobooks!

Two new audiobooks are out, both of them in the Remy Pigeon series and narrated by the awesome Dan Boice.  Below are cover pictures for the audio versions. Click on the covers to see the books at

In other news, I’m hard at work on more Gryphonpike Chronicles novellas, with the next Pyrrh novel also in the works.

Update and Sites Down

As some people have pointed out to me, both my website ( and the Doomed Muse Press site ( are down.  I’m having a minor hosting issue and it will be fixed within the next couple weeks.  Thanks for your notifications and patience!

In other news, Avarice is published!  Here’s the cover and blurb again along with links to find it in ebook form (paperbacks and audio versions are forthcoming):

In the Free City of Pyrrh, murders and other serious crimes are investigated by the Cordonates of the Considerable Crimes Division.

Struggling with his grief over losing his last partner, the last thing Cordonate Parshan Koury wants is someone else. Zhivana Nedrogovna, his new partner, is fresh out of the City Watch and not even human, and unsure she wants to work with the broody, angry Par.

As Parshan and Zhivana rush to solve a case of mugging gone wrong that soon proves far more complex, they must learn to trust each other or this first case together might be their last.


Barnes and Noble:



As I said before, I’m super busy catching up on all the work that fell by the wayside this last six months.

But here’s a little preview of what to expect from me (and Doomed Muse Press):

First, the Pyrrh Series.  Avarice, the first novel, will be out in October with the next three books following in 2013.  The series is basically “Law & Order” with swordfights.  Who wouldn’t love that? And check out the awesome cover by Nathie.


Then, in November, the first book of the Lorian Archive Trilogy will be out.  You can read the first 3rd of the novel for free (see the sidebar under Casimir Hypogean) or the finished book will be available in November.  The rest of the series will come in 2013.  The series has lovely covers done by the awesome Tom Edwards:

Some Updates

I haven’t been updating much, sorry. I’m trying to get back into the swing of writing and staying somewhat away from the internet.  The exciting news is that I’m slowly getting my books produced in audio.  The first three Gryphonpike Chronicles novellas are all out in audio.  You can find them on Audible here:

Witch Hunt Audio BookTwice Drowned Dragon Audio BookA Stone’s Throw Audio Book.

A Heart in Sun and Shadow is also in audio now, find it on Audible HERE.

I also have the final cover for the third book in the Lorian Archive trilogy, also painted/designed by Tom Edwards:

A Little Update and a Lot of Cover Pr0nz

I’ve been battling some health issues as well as a loss in my family which has led to some pretty serious writer’s block in that I just haven’t been writing much. Or doing much of anything.  I’m on the road to recovering, I think.  I’m writing again, which is the best part for me.  I don’t feel good when I’m not writing.

I am having to re-order my goals for this year due to things that have come up.  Right now, I’m planning to finish the first 20 Gryphonpike novellas (so the first 4 omnibus versions, essentially, more on those in a moment) and the first four books of the Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division series.  I’m not sure when exactly each will be posted, part of my journey toward health is not putting too much pressure on myself.  But they’ll all be up by December, that much I can promise (barring further life rolls).

Meanwhile, here is the promised cover pr0n.

First set are for the omnibus versions of the Gryphonpike Chronicles.  Each will contain five novellas.  The art for all of them was licensed from Kerem Beyit and the text done by my friend Greg.

These next two are for the Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division novels, books 1 and 2.  The artist is custom courtesy of Nathie via and the text done by my friend Greg.

There. Cover pronz. Those will be coming out this year. Now… back to the writing I go. Many pages to go in order to fill these covers with awesome stories.

Have Some Shiny

I’m super busy, as evidenced by my total neglect of my blog.  I figured I should show a little love here and offer up something new to look at.

Here’s a map of the world of the Gryphonpike Chronicles, as drawn for me by Jared Blando: