Heartache in Audio!

You can finally listen to book 5 in audio, performed by the awesome Folly Blaine!

Get it from Amazon for Audible by clicking here.

In other news, I’m still getting things set in my new country, so work has been slow, sorry. But we’ve got a place to live as of next week and so things should happen again after that. River of No Return (book 9) will by out by end of month. Just need to get some stuff sorted out before I can release it. Thank you all for you patience!  Also Thicker than Blood should be out in audio sooner than later as well.

One Response to “Heartache in Audio!”

  1. Amanda Tamayo

    Hope everything goes smoothly and you get settled in well! I know that’s a massively big hope, so I’ll add: And that any complications don’t prove onerous! I’m hoping you’ll be able to continue on the road to finding a diagnosis and treatment, because I know first-hand how debilitating pain can be, esp back pain!

    You’ve got my continued best wishes, keep us updated so we know you’re safe and as well as can be!

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