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Posts Tagged ‘contests’

Writers of the Future Q3 Results

The first Honorable Mention list for 2010 Q3 has been posted here:

My name is on it.  Got a very nice email notifying me (first time I’ve gotten an email for just an Honorable Mention).

It would be lying to say I’m not disappointed.  I really, really like the story I submitted for Q3 and think it’s one of the strongest I’ve written.  It’s also novelette length, which means there’s a shorter market list for it.  And near-future hard sci/fi, which makes that list even shorter.  But it is back out to another market now, so here’s hoping it fares better among the magazines than it did in the contest.

Good luck to anyone who hasn’t heard yet (or got the phone call), and best wishes and e-hugs to those of us now looking ahead to Q4.