
Well, I’ve been offered a job in Technical and Marketing Writing.  It’s sort of using my degree, at least one of them.  The pay is low for the work, but not too low.  It has benefits and such.  It’s also full time.  Which means no more days free for writing.  I know me, if I have no me time, I don’t get to write.  I can’t do it with distractions or too much structured time.

The pros are real experience in a field that actually pays reliable money.  And it’s about double what I’m making part time now.

The cons are a commute, and no more free time.

So, do I choose fiction writing?  Or money?

One Response to “Wrenches”

  1. girlgriot

    Oh, that’s an impossible one. I’ll be curious to see which you choose. I’m always struggling with the desire to ditch the money for the writing, but I am able to get quite a bit of writing done, even when I’m busy with work (oh, didn’t you know? … ditching sleep is the other option).

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