New Plan, Same as Old Plan

Well, mostly the same as the old plan.  I’ve noticed that one of my issues with writing is that I have too many ideas.  I don’t get the traditional form of writer’s block (ie not knowing/having anything to write about), but I get the reverse of that.  And it does slow me down and sometimes stop me entirely.

What I’ve noticed the last couple months is that I write in shifts.  I’ll write for an hour or two and then take a break (breaks often lasting a couple of hours) and then go work again.  Starting today, I’ve decided to try to use that to my advantage.  I have so many stories in my head right now that I feel like I’ll never get them all out.  I have a novel almost done and one started that literally needs to be done by Feb 1st in order to make a workshop deadline.  If I write in shifts, I should be able to finish both.  So for the rest of this month, I’m going to try that method out.  Work on one in the morning and one in the afternoon/late at night or whenever the second “shift” happens.  I know I can keep the stories straight in my head because my head is juggling about 20 different novels and short stories at the moment including these two.  Hopefully doing things this way will prevent the “but I want to work on this instead” block, because I’ll just go work on that instead.

And hey, if this works, then I’m going to keep assigning shifts to projects and see how writing multiple things concurrently pans out.  I’m still adapting my process and finding ways that work for me.  I fully intend to try different ways of outlining novels as well at some point this year (that Snowflake method looks interesting, for example).

So that’s the new plan, which is pretty much the same as always.  I’ve got a lot of writing to get done (about 90k words) in a short amount of time.  But if I finish it or even get close, I’ll have finally gotten my 100k words in a single month.  Which is pretty cool (I’ve written about 30k this month already).

9 Responses to “New Plan, Same as Old Plan”

  1. Karma Doc

    This sounds like a plan… let me know how it works for you.

    Hey, I understand that the hubby is going to law school… WOW… Great!

  2. Thomas K. Carpenter

    I’m pretty monogamous with my story ideas. Once I start on it, I’m with it until the bitter end. Some of that has to do with the day job too, I’m sure. There’s already competition for space in ye old noggin and trying to juggle multiple stories would get tough.

    I think in your situation I might be able to manage. Hopefully someday I’ll get to try. 🙂


    • izanobu

      My brain has never been monogamous. I have to be multi-tasking unless I’m actually doing the writing, or, hilariously enough, playing poker. I think that’s one reason I liked poker so much, it took complete focus and finally shut my brain up.

      I’ve decided to write the YA novel for the Feb workshop, btw. 60k words is a lot easier than 80-90. I got like two weeks. Everything is fine 😉

  3. Thomas K. Carpenter

    Sweet. That’ll make the publisher research easier since mine is YA too. Not that research is that hard with PW.

    I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s books. I got a Kindle for xmas and I’ll upload all the books there, so reading them will be enjoyable on the couch instead of stuck in front of the computer. I hate reading on the computer.

    • izanobu

      Well, when the time comes, I can easily put it into html for easy kindle conversion for you. But wait til you see the package, you might not want to read the whole thing 😛

  4. Ben Godby

    Sounds like a good plan. If you try the Snowflake method, I’d offer one warning: don’t outline as much as he suggests. It really killed the fun of it for me; made the process of writing more like putting together IKEA furniture.

  5. Thomas K. Carpenter

    Don’t worry about the kindle conversion. I have a plugin for InDesign that makes converting it to Kindle super-easy. And I’m planning on doing that for the packages too (at least the sample pages). InDesign rocks for putting together a bunch of material.

  6. Todd

    Oh yeah, I know that feeling. It’s a type of creative fragmentation that attempts to bring life to all ideas at once, and as a result, drains the focused energy required to thrust a single story in existence.

    It’s a horrible feeling, because all I want to do is get it all out, but when I sit down, the energy just isn’t there, and nothing wants to come.

    My solution is taking a break and fighting the urge to sit in front of the computer all day, torturing the words out of myself (which I’ve done plenty of times). Instead, I use all writing time for reading and other activities. Normally, this results in the creative white noise to settle back into the unconscious, and order is restored to the idea queue.

    But this thing gets me every now and again, and if I don’t take a break, it turns into a horrible feedback loop that can last months.

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