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Archive for the ‘Fiction’ Category

I’m Alive and Harper’s Tale is HERE


So… it’s been a long time since I wrote a blog post. My usual updates are now at my Patreon (which you all should check out, it’s the easiest and best way to support me if you can afford to toss a coin to your writer).  The long story short is that I got Long Covid/ME/cfs, had some personal family tragedies, and just generally life has sucked a lot in the last few years.

That said, I’ve finally gotten Harper’s Tale ready for release (if you backed the Kickstarter, check your email and your Kickstarter messages!) and it’s now available!  So please, pick it up, tell your friends, tell the random people in the grocery store, tell everyone.  This book is technically The Twenty-Sided Sorceress 7.5, so if you’ve read the first seven at least, you’ll be caught up, but if you haven’t, there are spoilers for events in the first seven books.

Here’s the links.

Directly from my Patreon shop.

For Amazon & Kindle

Books2Read which will have options for everywhere else including Kobo and B&N and Apple (some of these options might not show up yet as they are slower to publish, keep checking!)

The print book will be available shortly (it’s still “publishing” last I checked on it).

Hope you enjoy!


That’s Right. Balancing the Scales is Here!

The wait is over! For real!

Read the final book in The Twenty-Sided Sorceress series:

Get it on Kindle Here.

Get it at iBooks/Apple Here.

Get it at Google Play Here.

Get it at Kobo Here.

Get it at B&N/Nook Here

And if you are sad that this is the final book, don’t be! There is still Harper’s Tale coming at some point this year, plus the next Urban Fantasy series I’m working on is already on pre-order for October and will be featuring Alek’s sister Kira! So you don’t have to leave Jade’s world just yet.  If you want to pre-order Bad Moon on the Rise (Six-gun Shifters book 1) go HERE for Kindle and HERE for iBooks or Kobo or B&N.

Happy Reading!

October News

That’s the cover for book 9 of Twenty-Sided Sorceress. The good news is that this will be out in November.

The bad news is that Harper’s Tale won’t be out this month as planned. This story uses some real-life stuff (fictionalized of course) from my own life and that of friends, and it’s proving to be very emotionally difficult to write. I want to get the story right, but I can’t keep letting my perfectionism hold up the rest of the series. Jade’s story can keep going while I work on Harper in my spare time.  So I’m letting Harper’s story rest while I work on books 9 and 10 (cover reveal for the 10th and final Jade Crow book will come in December or so).

Thank you all for your understanding and patience. I think you’ll enjoy books nine and ten and I’m looking forward to making them my focus so it doesn’t take a year between them, which I know y’all will also probably prefer 😉

Thank you!

Final Gryphonpike Chronicles are HERE!

The final two novellas in the Gryphonpike Chronicles series are finally done and available! (If you love Killer, don’t despair, there will be a trilogy of full-length novels with her in the future)

How to get them:

Brood Mother (#5):  Click here for Kindle. Click here for iBooks/iTunes. Click here for Kobo. Click here for Barnes & Noble Nook.

Into the North (#6): Click here for Kindle. Click here for iBooks/iTunes. Click here for KoboClick here for Barnes & Noble Nook.


Not caught up on the series? Want all six novellas in one easy package? The Complete Series is available exclusively via StoryBundle for the next 17 days. Click HERE or on the photo above to grab it and lots of other kick-ass epic elven action.

Where’s the Book?

Y’all are probably wondering where Harper’s novel is.

The answer… not done. This is the toughest book that I’ve ever attempted for multiple reasons I won’t bore you all with, but I am not going to release it until I’m 100% happy with it. It’s a side novel and working on it won’t delay books 9 and 10 since the story doesn’t relate to those at all except tangentially (it’s purely Harper’s story, after all) so it’ll be done when it is done. I was hoping to release it earlier this month, but again, I’m not happy with the book as it stands and I’m going to re-draft it.

So…that’s the bad news. The good news is that while I’ve been stuck on Harper’s book, I’ve been working on the last two Gryphonpike Chronicles novellas. They are both about 90% right now, just need endings and edits etc so I’m going to release those in early June and that will tie up that series (there will be a full trilogy of novels called Gryphonpike Legends with the same characters out next year, so don’t despair, I’m just finishing up the novella series so we can move on to the novels).

To sum up: Harper’s Tale will be done when it’s done and I can’t make any promises. More GPC novellas coming (two of them!) next month. Books 9 and 10 of 20sided will be out in Sept/October.

Thank you for your patience!

Level Grind


It’s here! Release day for the new omnibus paperback and hardcover(!!!) editions of The Twenty-Sided Sorceress. Books 1-4 are collected here in Level Grind, with 5-7 to come in January in Boss Fight.

The book should be available in your local bookstore, but if you want to order online, here are some handy links:

Powell’s Books (my local bookstore, and I’m going to go sign some stock, so there’s always a chance of grabbing a signed copy)

Barnes & Noble website


Tribes: Harper’s Tale is coming in a couple weeks, Dungeon Crawl (book 8 of 20sided) by Christmas.  Meanwhile, enjoy the awesome paperbacks! They’ll make a nice set.

Schedule Shift

Well, I *was* going to take more of a break from Twenty-Sided Sorceress and work on a couple Pyrrh novels, but I’ve fallen behind due to a few factors (one of which is this year I’m putting health first instead of work first, sorry).  That and, as I sit here finishing up a new Gryphonpike novella which should be live by July or so, Harper won’t stop crawling into my head and telling me all about what happens in her book.  I have enough notes about her book now to practically be an outline in and of themselves, ha.

So… I’m pushing Pyrrh off until end of year/X-mas time and going to work on Harper’s book and probably Dungeon Crawl next. Again, no promises on release dates, but I’m loosely aiming for September for at least Tribes (Harper’s novel).

I’m also working on a secret Urban Fantasy collaborative project that I hope I can announce by this fall. It fell into my lap and I think it’s awesome and couldn’t resist saying yes.

So yeah. Once again, plate is full but hey, 20sided sooner than later is good, right? 🙂

Thanks for your patience and all the kind words I’ve been sent about my health. I am super focused on getting as healthy as someone with chronic illness can get so I have more energy and more time to devote to writing kickass books as well as living my life more fully.

More news soon, I hope!