The Universe Hates Me

Apparently the cosmic forces of the universe don’t want me to finish editing book 9 so you all can read it. I have had a horrible cold I am hoping is not the flu this entire week. (Fever broke yesterday, so I’m hoping it isn’t the flu, just a shitty imitation of it)

So book 9 will be out as soon as I can breathe again. Might be end of next week, might be week after. I’m really sorry for the delays.

Where’s Book 9?

ETA: Had a few days of serious pain and wasn’t able to work, sorry. So book 9 will be early next week instead of this week. Thanks for your patience, not much longer to wait, I promise!

(TLDR: Book 9 the 20th or so of March, Book 10 the last week of March)

I know, February is almost over.  I could possibly rush edits on River of No Return and get it out by the 28th, but I’m leaning toward not doing that. Books 9 and 10 follow on each other’s heels story-wise (and given that I’ve been writing them simultaneously they will also release close together) and I want to make sure the story continuity and set-up is solid.  Which means rushing an edit would be a poor plan.

Which is a really long-winded way of saying my new plan is to release book 9 on the 13th or 14th (depends on upload time at various retailers so I can’t predict exact day) and then release book 10 around the 27th or 28th. I’d reveal the cover for book 10 but it would be spoilery so y’all gotta wait, sorry. It’s shiny and epic af though.

I’m sorry I’ve been so delayed lately, but I’m still rehabing my back injury with no end in sight yet and it means that I can’t work more than a couple hours a day due to factors like constant pain and being unable to sit at my desk (where I do my best, most focused work, sigh) etc. I’m doing what I can and I’m very thankful for everyone’s patience. I’d love to say that my physical therapy is going great and I’ll be 100% any day now, but alas that doesn’t seem to be the case and we’re hoping another couple months will do it.

Again, thank you all for your patience and messages of support. I hope that I’ll be able to get more stories out once I’m healthy again. And hey, the wait is truly almost over, I promise.

Quick January 2018 Update

I am currently getting books 9 and 10 finished. Still going very slowly because of my back injury, sorry. I really appreciate all the kind messages and how understanding everyone has been. Your support has made the last few months a little easier as I deal with doctors and physical therapy.

The downside is, it’s unlikely I’ll get book 9 uploaded before January ends. The upside is both 9 and 10 will be released in February and I doubt there will be more wait time than three weeks or so between books.  Currently I’m on track for releasing 9 at start of Feb and 10 by the end of Feb. So… not too much longer to wait now.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding. I’m hoping that the focus these last few months on recovery and healing will mean I can do a lot more writing and be healthier in the future.


Oh, and if you are dying for a kick-ass Urban Fantasy read… give K.F. Breene’s new series a try. It won’t disappoint, in my opinion. Click here to get Natural Witch (Magical Mayem Book 1) from Amazon!

2017 Wrap-up

Quick update:

I hurt my back while traveling at the end of August and instead of getting better it got worse until it has severely impacted my ability to do anything, sorry.  I am seeing yet another doctor in December, and I think we’ve finally figured out what is wrong, but it is going to take 4-6 weeks to know if treatment/physical therapy is working and likely many more weeks of physical therapy before I’m back to some semblance of normal.

So… writing is going slowly. If you’ve ever been in a lot of pain, you know how unpleasant and difficult it is to do even the most basic tasks, much less keep track of complicated tasks, characters, time-lines, etc.  As always, I won’t release a book I’m not 100% satisfied with.

That said… Book 9 is almost done (but not edited etc yet) and I’ve already written some parts of book 10 (it follows closely on book 9’s events). So my plan at the moment is to finish both books before the end of the year, and then release them in January fairly close together (depending on edit time needed etc).

I’ve got a lot of plans for next year, but of course my health is always the limitation on my life plans. It sucks, but it’s my reality and I’m trying to work through it as best I can. My hope is that I can stay illness and injury free next year and bring you all a lot of kick-ass books because this book-a-year pace makes me sad. I have far too many ideas to get out before I die and I want to write them all NOW, damnit.

The TLDR: bad news- I’m hurt and work is going slowly due to that, sorry.  Good news- books 9 and 10 should release in the same month so you won’t have to wait nearly a year for the end of Jade Crow’s story.


(also, I’m planning a novella epilogue for Jade and another novella prequel for Kira’s series. I’ll be doing a cover reveal for Kira’s series in February as well and trust me, these covers are knock-your-socks-off awesome)

October News

That’s the cover for book 9 of Twenty-Sided Sorceress. The good news is that this will be out in November.

The bad news is that Harper’s Tale won’t be out this month as planned. This story uses some real-life stuff (fictionalized of course) from my own life and that of friends, and it’s proving to be very emotionally difficult to write. I want to get the story right, but I can’t keep letting my perfectionism hold up the rest of the series. Jade’s story can keep going while I work on Harper in my spare time.  So I’m letting Harper’s story rest while I work on books 9 and 10 (cover reveal for the 10th and final Jade Crow book will come in December or so).

Thank you all for your understanding and patience. I think you’ll enjoy books nine and ten and I’m looking forward to making them my focus so it doesn’t take a year between them, which I know y’all will also probably prefer 😉

Thank you!

Final Gryphonpike Chronicles are HERE!

The final two novellas in the Gryphonpike Chronicles series are finally done and available! (If you love Killer, don’t despair, there will be a trilogy of full-length novels with her in the future)

How to get them:

Brood Mother (#5):  Click here for Kindle. Click here for iBooks/iTunes. Click here for Kobo. Click here for Barnes & Noble Nook.

Into the North (#6): Click here for Kindle. Click here for iBooks/iTunes. Click here for KoboClick here for Barnes & Noble Nook.


Not caught up on the series? Want all six novellas in one easy package? The Complete Series is available exclusively via StoryBundle for the next 17 days. Click HERE or on the photo above to grab it and lots of other kick-ass epic elven action.

Where’s the Book?

Y’all are probably wondering where Harper’s novel is.

The answer… not done. This is the toughest book that I’ve ever attempted for multiple reasons I won’t bore you all with, but I am not going to release it until I’m 100% happy with it. It’s a side novel and working on it won’t delay books 9 and 10 since the story doesn’t relate to those at all except tangentially (it’s purely Harper’s story, after all) so it’ll be done when it is done. I was hoping to release it earlier this month, but again, I’m not happy with the book as it stands and I’m going to re-draft it.

So…that’s the bad news. The good news is that while I’ve been stuck on Harper’s book, I’ve been working on the last two Gryphonpike Chronicles novellas. They are both about 90% right now, just need endings and edits etc so I’m going to release those in early June and that will tie up that series (there will be a full trilogy of novels called Gryphonpike Legends with the same characters out next year, so don’t despair, I’m just finishing up the novella series so we can move on to the novels).

To sum up: Harper’s Tale will be done when it’s done and I can’t make any promises. More GPC novellas coming (two of them!) next month. Books 9 and 10 of 20sided will be out in Sept/October.

Thank you for your patience!

Spring 2017 Update

Here’s a quickie update on what’s hopefully happening this year.

Next book out will be Tribes: Harper’s Tale. I should have it out by end of April or early May, depending on editing time etc.

After that will come Brood Mother (the 5th Gryphonpike Chronicles novella) and then a side novel titled Soft Paw which goes between 20sided books 8 and 9.  There will be one more Gryphonpike Chronicles novella which will wrap up that iteration of the series (a trilogy of novels will come in 2018, beginning Gryphonpike Legends). All of that should carry us well into summer with new releases fairly regularly.

Beyond that, my goal this year is to wrap up The Twenty-Sided Sorceress. There will be two more books, books 9 and 10. They are very tied together in terms of what happens with the story, so I will likely delay the release of book 9 until the fall when I can release book 10 within a month or so of book 9. I don’t want to leave readers on a cliff with a big wait (again, mwahahahaha*cries*).

Ending a series I love so much will be rough, but I have plans for the world beyond that which I’m really excited to explore. There will also be an epilogue for 20sided that will be the prequel of the series to come in the same world.

So I have a ton of plans this year. Health-wise I’m doing much better than I have in three years, so hopefully no derails due to health like in years past. I’m also hoping that after wrapping up 20sided I’ll have a few months to work on the sequel to Avarice and get the Pyrrh books out in the world finally.

So… TLDR is lots of fiction coming for you all in 2017 and I’m excited to be healthier and working regularly again! Cheers.

Quickie Dungeon Crawl Update

I know it’s February…

Good news is that Dungeon Crawl will drop either this weekend or early next week (depending on upload times etc).

Feel free to complain if it hasn’t AFTER Feb 28th 😉


Thank you for your continued patience!