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Book 10 is still coming, promise

Hey, sorry for the silence. I’ve been dealing with same old same old back injury stuff plus some crazy family stuff that came up (that I might talk about publicly eventually but am not ready to do so yet, sorry).  That combined with me tearing apart book 10 and redrafting it cause I’m mega-paranoid about getting the grand finale of Jade’s story perfect has meant delay after delay.

But the good news is I had the final late night epiphany moment (for me, writing books is full of these moments, ha, but there is usually at least one big one each book where everything my conscious and subconscious brain has been working on comes into focus and I feel like I can finally put the words down in a way that does it justice) and I am full steam ahead on final chapters and edits.

I won’t give an exact date cause some stuff (like copy edits etc) depends on other people’s timelines etc but I think I can confidently say March.  Which I know I confidently said January and we all see how that went, oops, but life happens and I am grateful that people are understanding that authors are human.  This book will be worth the wait, in my totally biased opinion.

And again, before anyone panics that 20sided is ending, Harper’s Tale: Tribes is next on my list to finish and there will be an epilogue novella later this year that revisits Jade combined with a prologue/intro novella for Kira, Alek’s sister, who will be getting her own series in 2020. (I’ll do a separate post about those after Harper’s book comes out, complete with the amazing Gene Mollica cover art I’ve been sitting on and unable to share for nearly two years).

So thank you all for your continued understanding and patience.

Book 10 still coming!

I got the flu right at the end of my holiday trip and while it seems the worst has passed me over now, I’m still behind on everything, sorry! Book 10 will still release this month (sooner than later I imagine 😉 ).  Thanks for understanding.


Taking More Time

Remember how I said I was taking all the time I need? I’m taking all the time I need, which is more time. Ending a story this big that I’ve been working on for years is a little scary, I ain’t gonna lie. I want to make sure I put absolutely every last bit in that I want in there and tie things up in a satisfying way that completes my vision for Jade’s story. Which means spending extra time in edits and working on the book etc. I don’t really want to release a book in December, because with the holidays and travel etc December is probably the worst month to try to get new work launched.  Plus this way I can safely (hopefully, haha) give a date for release so nobody panics.

So, officially Book 10 will be out on January 9th, 2019. That way we can all have something to look forward to in the new year!

I’ll be finishing Harper’s Tale after so that 20sided related things can truly get wrapped up, plus I’ll have more news about the new series with Alek’s sister, Kira, and a new project announcement hopefully.

I hope you all have a happy holidays surrounded by people you love. See you in the New Year!

November Update

I know it is November already. Finishing out book 10 and getting final edits done etc is taking a bit longer than planned so I need a couple extra weeks and this is the end of the series so I’m taking all the time I need cause it’s important to me to finish Jade’s story properly. So give me 2-3 weeks before you panic that book 10 isn’t out yet, please 🙂

And I know peeps are sad about the series ending, but please don’t panic about that, either. There will be an epilogue novella showing some stuff after the events of book 10 that will tie into a prequel novella introducing the next series set in the Twenty-Sided world. Plus the very next project on my plate after book 10 is to finish Tribes: Harper’s Tale, which is technically another 20sided book. So I’m not abandoning the world at all and there will be more nerdy, kickass urban fantasy coming.

Because the next series is about Kira, Alek’s sister. Y’all met her briefly in book 6, but just wait til she gets her own stories. It’s going to be a wild ride. 🙂

River of No Return Released!

Not a drill! Book 9 in The Twenty-Sided Sorceress is out!

Supposedly, nature abhors a vacuum. I’m finding this is true in the worst way…

Defeating her evil ex-boyfriend hasn’t exactly been the reprieve from trouble that Jade hoped for. When Alek’s mentor shows up with an injured Justice and government agents start asking questions she doesn’t want to answer, Jade’s problems are just beginning. Enemies new and old make their moves as a war looms on the horizon in this exciting ninth book in the Twenty-Sided Sorceress series.

Get the new book for Kindle HERE (also in paperback!)

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Okay, new plan…

Which is to say, I think I’m going to release books 9 and 10 in the same week, probably around second week of September. I’ve been writing both at the same time because a lot of what happens in River of No Return is all laying the groundwork for the series finale. I suppose I can reveal the title of book 10 here (but not the cover, cause it is SPOILERS central lol). Book 10 is titled Balancing the Scales.  One of the things that has been delaying release of book 9 is that I am not sure I feel comfortable saying book 9 is finalized until book 10 is also finalized because these books are so intertwined in terms of one leading into the other (book 10’s events are almost all caused by what happens in book 9, basically).

So the TLDR: You’ll get both books the same week (maybe not the same day tho, depends on upload times and how hard I work my poor copyeditors) and it will probably be 2-3 weeks out from now since I still have to write the end of the series.

Emigrating is no Joke

(TLDR: emigrating is time-consuming and tiring, book 9 within the next two weeks.)


As some of you who follow me on Twitter etc probably know, we moved 5000 miles to the Netherlands this month. I was expecting, because I’m an idiot apparently, that I would get here and just be able to get to work asap.  Instead it’s been a roller-coaster ride of discovering things about how my new country works, finding a permanent place to live, dealing with the ongoing back injury, and doing lots of appointments and paperwork for immigration.

So suddenly it is the end of July and book 9 still needs some final edits and a final copyedit (which is not done by me, but my usual peeps are pretty quick so that shouldn’t delay too much once I get done with my part), then the final final read-through, the formatting, the uploading, and then hopefully into your hands! (or Kindle, or phone, or whatever you wanna read on, I don’t judge).

I know everyone is tired of waiting, sorry. But give me like a week to two weeks (two weeks to be safe) and book 9 will be here. Book 10 also just needs a few more chapters, some edits, copyedits, final final read, etc, so I’m still planning to have book 10 out within about 3-4 weeks of book 9’s release, but obviously at the moment my total focus is on book 9 cause you gotta read that one first because I know none of you are those monsters who read series out of order, right?

Thank you all for your epic patience with my habit of thinking that I’ll magically be able to do more than I’m capable of 🙂  It is my hope that this move will enable me in the longer term to be healthier, happier, figure out this stupid mysterious back injury that has stumped multiple doctors and physical therapists, and generally be able to write like the wind, because I have a ton of kickass ideas I’ve been developing while injured and I really want to share ALL of them with you peeps.

Hope your summer is going well.

Heartache in Audio!

You can finally listen to book 5 in audio, performed by the awesome Folly Blaine!

Get it from Amazon for Audible by clicking here.

In other news, I’m still getting things set in my new country, so work has been slow, sorry. But we’ve got a place to live as of next week and so things should happen again after that. River of No Return (book 9) will by out by end of month. Just need to get some stuff sorted out before I can release it. Thank you all for you patience!  Also Thicker than Blood should be out in audio sooner than later as well.

Books in July

Hope everyone is having a good start to summer. As some of you might know, I’m moving overseas to the Netherlands at end of June. Packing for a 5000 mile move and getting everything in order while dealing with a serious injury is stressful and taking a lot out of me, sorry. While book 9 probably could go up next week, I frankly don’t want to rush and deal with a book launch in the middle of this move. I was hoping to get the book out much earlier in the month, but hope and spring and eternal and all that, right? 🙂

So I’ll probably upload and get all that done from Amsterdam instead the first week of July.

Thank you for your continued patience while I navigate this huge life change and this stupid back injury.


May News and Update

Hey, quick update. Books 9 and 10 are still coming, I promise. I’m just having the most epic episode of House in terms of trying to figure out what’s going on with my stupid back injury and am currently stumping every doctor and specialist I see (apparently it’s also related/possible made worse by the terrible case of plantar fasciitis I have, sigh). So the writing and editing have been very slow going. I’m also prepping for a huge move (moving 4,991 miles!) which isn’t helping. Once I’m moved, we’re going to make some modifications to my new office which should allow me to work with less pain, but we can’t do much before that since we’re currently getting rid of 90% of our things.

My goal is to have both books released before the move on June 30th, so hopefully I’ll be updating twice at some point in June with a “yay book” post instead of “screw this pain” post.

I thank you all for your continued patience. It sucks to be so far behind my writing schedule (The next projects after 20sided are so cool and I want to share them and I can’t yet because I need to focus on 20sided, grr) and I know it sucks to have to wait so long for books. Thanks for being here and understanding that sometimes life happens while we’re making plans.